Lisa Thomas is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Clinical Sex Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Denver, Colorado. She specializes in Couples Counseling and Sex Therapy with individuals and Couples. She is also the co-host of the family affairs podcast (It’s so good, LISTEN). Lisa has been nationally recognized for her continued education and contributions in Sex and Couples therapy. Online Couch was lacking a presence online, a well-defined user experience, and a way to share free information about relationships and sex.
Lisa Thomas is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Clinical Sex Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Denver, Colorado. She specializes in Couples Counseling and Sex Therapy with individuals and Couples. She is also the co-host of the family affairs podcast (It’s so good, LISTEN). Lisa has been nationally recognized for her continued education and contributions in Sex and Couples therapy. Online Couch was lacking a presence online, a well-defined user experience, and a way to share free information about relationships and sex.
In our case study with online, our research told us it was time for an updated website, with an easy way to get in touch with Lisa. We provided Online Couch with a new website and on-site SEO. Our goal was to create an eye-catching design, and a pleasant user experience when booking a session with Online Couch. By providing SEO would increase visibility and drive an increased amount of organic traffic and conversions. We also provided insight in new keywords with high conversions to be applied to digital advertising. One of the most important things for us was to create a website that was easy to manage, and that anyone working at Online Couch could update.
We provided Online Couch with on-site SEO to maximize their visibility. Our in-depth research allowed us to uncover valuable keywords, discover what competitors were doing, and find new creative ways to get Online Couch in-front of the right audience. Through our efforts, we have increased traffic and conversions.
increased web conversions
New Clients (first month)
organic traffic
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